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dc.contributor.authorBundeh, Lennard William
dc.identifier.citationBundeh, Lennard William; EFFECT OF RELOCATION OCCASIONED BY SUGARCANE FARMING ON FOOD PRODUCTION in Dede Division Migori County, Kenya; International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology: http://www.ijssit.comen_US
dc.identifier.issnISSN 2412-0294
dc.description.abstractA popular view on the impacts of relocation on agriculture is that rural movements lead to a decline in agricultural cultivation and food production. Despite the relocation occasioned by sugarcane farming, there is still low production and importation of sugar cane. The objective of the study was therefore to establish the effects of relocation occasioned by sugarcane farming on food production. The study was carried out in Dede Division located in Awendo Sub-County which is one of the Sub-Counties in Migori County. The study adopted descriptive research design. Random sampling technique was used to select the respondents who included small scale farmers. The key informants included chiefs, assistant chiefs, and Sub County Agricultural Officers, KESREF officials at Opapo sugar research station and Sony sugar company head of agriculture. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. Statistics on the size of the land under sugarcane was obtained from the Agriculture Department of Sony Sugar Company. The study revealed that the main cause of relocation in the study area was expansion of Sony nuclear farms as 81.3% of the households were relocated by the factory. Food production per household before the relocation stood at 23.3% of total produce for Maize, Beans had 16% but after relocation, Maize production reduced to 10.6% and Beans to 8.5%. It therefore emerged that land relocation had a negative effect on food production (r=-.657, p<.05). The study therefore concluded that. relocation resulted in low food production in the Division. This study therefore recommends that the Government should also put measures in place for the relocated population to be adequately empowered to improve their coping capacity.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technologyen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol VIII;Issue VIII
dc.subjectRelocation, Sugar Farming, Food Productionen_US
dc.titleEffect of relocation occasioned by sugarcane farming on food production in Kenya, Migori Countyen_US

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