dc.description.abstract | The study examined the impacts of colonialism on traditional land tenure systems
and agricultural practices in Awendo Sub County, Kenya, between 1903 and 2010.
The chapter one looked at the background to justification. The study had
significance since, it will help readers to know how the traditional land tenure and
agricultural practices impacted socially and economically, think of introduction of
individual land tenure and cash oriented colonial crop, sugarcane as major impact of
colonial activities in Awendo sub county, allow the government to find a better way
of improving land tenure systems, and agricultural production. The three specific
objectives were; to account for the precolonial Luo land tenure systems and
agricultural practices in Awendo; to examine the colonial land use policies and
agricultural practices in Awendo, 1903-1963; to evaluate the impact of the
colonialism on the traditional land tenure systems and agricultural in Awendo, 1963-
2010. The research was justified since most researchers of the area paid little
attention to the historical events, and never gave an account of precolonial land
tenure systems and agricultural practices of Luo people, and that sugarcane was a
colonial crop which impacted on Awendo development. The literature review used
thematic approach organized around a topic and objectives. Modernization theory
was used to explain the process of change by adopting new technologies. Study used
descriptive research design, qualitative and quantitative data were organized in
thematic and chronological approach by describing the phenomenon related to past
events. The purposive and snowball sampling were considered. The questionnaire,
archives, and observations were used. Chapter four contained the findings of the
objectives of the study. Chapter five brought out the summary, conclusion and
recommendations, and according to the objective one, it was concluded that Luo
people in Kenya and Awendo in particular are securely attached to the land for both
economic development and survival, being a unifying factor, acquired and
maintained under customary law, which were patrilineal, traditional crops cultivated
and animals reared fostered sharing through kisuma. In objective two, the study
concluded that the colonial policies on land tenure and agricultural practices in
Awendo had impacts, which included getting money to pay school fees, brought
European crops and animals, such as, sugarcane that made the residents to take tea
from sugar and introduced new agricultural inputs such as, fertilizers, hybrid seeds.
The objective three concluded that the transformations in Awendo were as a result
of colonial disruption of traditional land tenure, and agricultural practices. The study
concluded that the new methods of farming such as intercropping and government
support, extension services could improve agricultural production, and also the
introduction of exotic crop, sugarcane was the major cause of reduced agricultural
production for cash and food . The study recommended that through intensive
involvement in fish production, poultry production, crop and animal production.
Women and children are to take control in the land use and management, when the
government initiate new policies, by ensuring control of land for the portions left for
sugarcane production and food production in Awendo. | en_US |