Effect of waste dump site on ground water quality in Huruma estate, Eldoret, Kenya
Water pollution has been associated with open waste dumping across the globe. This study work gives the effect of open waste dump on groundwater quality at Huruma, Eldoret Town, Kenya. Ground water and leachate samples from the open waste dump site were collected and analyzed in the laboratory for physical and chemical characteristics. All the parameters were determined based on the American Standard Methods for Examination of water and wastewater. From the results obtained, it was found that the mean values of TDS, DO, SO4+, pH, COD and BOD are 17.73 mg/L, 5.94 mg/L, 0.05 mg/L, 6.54, 13.62 mg/L, and 6.07 mg/L respectively. For leachate samples, mean values for TDS, SO4+, pH, COD and BOD are 89.25 mg/L, 0.36 mg/L, 7.63, 24.56 mg/L, and 13.83 mg/L respectively. Most of the parameters fall within WHO drinking water standards (except pH, COD and BOD). Open waste handling, controlling and monitoring techniques must gear towards achieving quality environmental condition for many to live in. This will go a long way to protecting natural resources such as water that are degraded by these open wastes.