Influence of Verbal Communication on Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairment in Inclusive Settings in Migori County, Kenya
This study sought to establish the influence of verbal communication on academic performance of learners with
hearing impairment (HI) in inclusive settings in Migori County. The study was anchored on the Total
Communication Theory by Holcomb of (1967). Descriptive survey design was employed in this study. The
targeted population consisted of 10 head-teachers, 80 teachers and 90 learners in primary schools in inclusive
settings in Migori County. The study sampled 10 head-teachers, 66 teachers and 73 learners who were selected
using proportionate simple random sampling procedure. The data was collected using semi structured teachers
and learners questionnaires head teachers interview guide and learners observation checklist. A reliability
coefficient of 0.8 was ascertained using the split half method indicating that learners’ and teachers’
questionnaires were reliable. Content validity of the three data collection instruments were ascertained by
presenting them to various research experts in the content area whose advice was in-cooperated. Both
descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Qualitative data was arranged thematically in
line with research objectives. The study found that all the sampled schools were in dire need of various
communication modes. Most teachers were found to be poor in sign language which was leading to poor
academic performance. Majority of hearing impaired learners in class five scored lower marks than their class
means score. The study’s formulated hypothesis was tested at 95% confident level using multi regression
analysis. The result showed that 73.3% of the variations in academic performance of hearing impaired learners
were attributed to independent variables. The study also revealed that TC was mostly used as the instructional
mode. Further results showed that the availability of Kenyan Sign Language made the most significant
contribution in the performance of learners with HI. The study recommended a joint effort between the
government, educational stakeholders and agencies working with persons with disabilities to support
inclusiveschools with the necessary facilities.
- School of Education [143]
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