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dc.contributor.authorMuo, Pamela Atieno
dc.contributor.authorOtara, Alfred
dc.contributor.authorKute, Berther
dc.description.abstractAdministrators, including all head teachers are expected to achieve organizational goals through efficient job performance. The purpose of the study was to establish personal factors influencing head teachers ' job performance in public primary schools . The study adopted a mixed method approach with a descriptive research survey design. The study sample was selected by saturated sampling. Findings indicate that a combination of personal factors influence different aspects of job performance. Age of head teachers alone was not a significant factor influencing maintenance of school physical infrastructure, management of school finances and effectiveness of curriculum supervision. Gender of head teachers was also not seen as influencing maintenance of school physical infrastructure, management of school finances and effectiveness of curriculum supervision. It is recommended that the level of educational attaintment for a head teacher in considering promotion of primary teachers to headship. Further, consistent of training and remuneration of package of head teachers should be considered as a motivating factor in job performanceen_US
dc.publisherJournal of education and practiceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol 1;No 1
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectJob performance, personal factors, management, gender, productivityen_US
dc.titleHead Teachers’socio-Demographic Factors Influencing Job Performance in Public Primary Schools in Suba South sub-County, Homa - Bay County, Kenyaen_US

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