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Influence of Peer Pressure on Secondary School Students Drop out in Rongo Sub-County, Migori County, Kenya3685
Perception: A Guide for Managers and Leaders3447
Antibacterial activity of Moringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala methanol and n-hexane seed extracts on bacteria implicated in water borne diseases2965
Commercial Bank Diversification and Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Risk1406
Effect of Principals’ Leadership Styles on Students Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Homa-Bay County, Kenya1333
School environmental factors influencing academic performance in secondary schools1175
Health Care Workers Adherence to Infection Prevention Practices and Control Measures: A Case of a Level Four District Hospital in Kenya1151
Innovation in Banking Industry: Achieving Customer Satisfaction1130
TPACK in teacher education: Using pre-service teachers’ self-reported TPACK to improve pedagogic practice.1117
Safety and Security in Tourism Destinations: Its moderating role in the Destination Competitiveness Determinants and Destination Competitiveness Nexus in Western Kenya Circuit1031